Covid-19 Update: June 1, 2021

Hello, my name is Ron Pflaumer.

This message Is to inform you that Fat Cow Jerky and all of our staff following CDC guidelines, practice universal source control and we will take extra precautions to minimize risk of additional exposures.

Here's how we're following the CDC guidelines:
  • We are wearing a mask while around employees and customers.
  • Practice social distancing as much as possible
  • Practice good hand hygiene, washing frequently, using hand sanitizer, and not touching your face.

Self-monitor for symptoms

  • Fever (100°, taking your temperature twice a day),
  • Cough,
  • Difficulty breathing
  • or sudden loss of taste or smell, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, chills.

Encourage customers to wear a cloth mask or regular mask if available.

Please understand we care about you and take very seriously protecting both employees and customers within our practice. We appreciate all you do to provide care to our patients.

Take care, and please contact fatcowjerky@gmail.com if you have questions or if we can help you with anything else.

Ron Pflaumer
President of Fat Cow Jerky